Friday, March 03, 2006
H - That's right, YA says Big Donalds instead of McDonalds. Do you want to know what I used to call Burger King when I was your age?
YW - Yes!
H - Booger King.
YW - Booger King?!?!
H - That's right, Booger.
YW, YA - Booger King! <much laughter />
YW - What did your sister call it?
H - I don't remember.
YA - My baby sister says...
YW - We don't have a sister, YA.
YA - We're going to buy one and she's going to say...
YW - You don't buy babies; you get them
YA - We're going to buy a baby sister that talks.
YW - YA, you don't buy babies, you get them from your mother.
YA - And she's going to say...
Conversation was here interrupted by our arrival at the place of yummy food.